Wednesday, July 31, 2019

International Economics Essay

1. Why did the Mercantilists consider holdings of precious metals so important to nation-state building? (6 points) Wealth was viewed as synonymous with holdings of precious metals. Nation-states wished to become wealthy and this meant obtaining large holdings of precious metals. It is also argued by some that the shortage of coinage constrained the growth of these nation-sates and that precious metals were required to increase the supply of coinage (money) in order for the countries to grow. 2. Assume that both the United States and Germany produce beef and computer chips with the following costs: (12 points) a. What is the opportunity cost of beef (B) and computer chips (C) in each country? In the United States: the opportunity cost of one unit of beef is 2 chips; the opportunity cost of one chip is 1/2 unit of beef. In Germany: the opportunity cost of one unit of beef is 4 chips; the opportunity cost of one  chip is 1/4 unit of beef. b. In which commodity does the United States have a comparative cost advantage? What about Germany? The United States has a comparative cost advantage in beef with respect to Germany, while Germany has a comparative cost advantage in computer chips. c. What is the range for mutually beneficial trade between the United States and Germany for each computer chip traded? The range for mutually beneficial trade between the United States and Germany for each unit of beef that the United States exports is: 2C < 1B < 4C d. How much would the United States and Germany gain if 1 unit of beef is exchanged for 3 chips? Both the United States and Germany would gain 1 chip for each unit of beef traded. 3. â€Å"If U.S. productivity growth does not keep up with that of its trading partners, the United States will quickly lose its international competitiveness and not be able to export any products, and its standard of living will fall.† Critically evaluate this statement in light of what you have learned in chapter 3 of the textbook. (10 points) This statement could be true if trade was based on absolute advantage. However, since trade can take place on the basis of comparative advantage, what counts is relative cost differences. Consequently a country can be less efficient or become less efficient in all goods and yet again from trade as long as there are relative cost differences in autarky. Thus, different rates of productivity growth may change what a country exports, but it is unlikely that it would ever take away the basis for trade, its ability to expert. 4. The following table shows the number of days of labor required to produce a unit of textiles and autos in the United Kingdom and the United States: (12 points) Textiles Autos United Kingdom 3 days 6 days United States 2 days 5 days a. Calculate the number of units of textiles and autos that can be produced from 1 day of labor in each country. In the United Kingdom one day of labor can produce 1/3 of a unit of textiles and 1/6 of a unit of automobiles. In the United States, one day of labor can produce  ½ of a unit of textiles and 1/5 of a unit of automobiles. b. Suppose that the United States has 1,000 days of labor available. Construct the production-possibilities frontier for the United States. 500 U.S c. Construct the U.S. consumption-possibilities frontier with trade if the terms of trade are 1 auto: 2 units of textiles. 500 textiles U.S d. Select a pre-trade consumption point for the United States, and indicate how trade can yield a consumption point that gives the United States greater consumption of both goods. 500 textiles U.S 5. In the previous question, suppose that the United States always wishes to consume autos and textiles at the ratio of 1 auto to 10 textiles. What quantity of each good would the United States consume in autarky? What combination would the United States consume with trade and complete specialization? What would be the gains from trade? (10 points) In autarky, the production ( and consumption ) of textiles and autos will utilize all the available 1000 days of labor. Thus, with T = number of units of textiles produced and A = number of autos produced, 1000 = ( 2 days / unit) T + (5 days / unit )A. The consumption requirement is that 10 units of textiles be consumed for every unit of automobiles. Hence, total textile production is equal to (10) ( total auto production), 10A thus, given the available labor, and substituting 10A for T, 1000 = (2)(10A) + 5 A A= 40 units If A = 40 units, then textile production and trade, textile production equal 500 units. Consumption of textiles (CT) is equal to textile production minus the textile exports used to enquire auto imports, and auto imports are equal to auto consumption (CA). With the international terms of trade of 1A:2T, auto imports = (1A/2T)(exports of textiles) = (1A/2T)*(textile production – textile consumption). By the demand assumption, consumption of auto is also equal to (1/10)(textile concumption). Hence , CA = (1/2)(500 –CT ) and CA = (1/10)(CT). Thus, (1/2)(500- CT) = (1/10)(CT) 250 – (1/2)(CT) = (1/10)(CT) 0.6CT = 250 CT = 416 2/3 units With Ct = 416 2/3 units, CA therefore equals 41 2/3 Unitts. Because of specialization and trade, the united States had gained 16 2/3 Units of textiles ( 416 2/3 – 400 ) and 1 2/3 ( 41 2/3 – 40 ) in comparison with autarky situation. Another method of arriving at these results is to utilize the equations for the PPF and for the consumption pattern. In autarky the PPF equation is T = 500 – 2  ½ A, and the consumption equation is CT = 10CA. Solving the two equations for the two unknowns yields A = CA = 40 and T = CT = 400. With  trade, the equations to be utilized are for the consumption- possibilities frontier with trade has the equation T = 500 – 2A. When this equation is put with the consumption equation CT = 10 CA and the two equation are solved for two unknowns, the equilibrium results are A = CA = 41 2/3 AND T = CT = 416 2/3

Absolute Poverty

POVERTY What is poverty? Poverty is the economic condition in which people lack sufficient income to obtain certain minimal levels of health services, food, housing, clothing, and education generally recognized as necessary to ensure an adequate standard of living. What is considered adequate, however, depends on the average standard of living in a particular society. Relative poverty is that experienced by those whose income falls considerably below the average for their particular society. Absolute poverty is that experienced by those who do not have enough food to remain healthy. However, estimating poverty on an income basis may not measure essential elements that also contribute to a healthy life. People without access to education or health services should be considered poor even if they have adequate food. CAUSES OF POVERTY One of the greatest challenges facing many least developed countries especially in the African continent is the worsening scourge of poverty with its attendant effects of unemployment, malnutrition, illiteracy, HIV/AIDS and destitution. There are many causes of poverty complex and multi-dimensional in nature. They involve among many others gender inequality, economical, political and social exclusion. Therefore any intervention measures designed to respond to the challenges above should be judged by their ability to positively make a significant dent on poverty at a micro level (lower levels of society such as the households or individual levels). There should be a clear linkage between macro level policies and micro level impacts in terms of reducing poverty or at least providing an environment for poverty reduction. Such a policy should be able to facilitate the delivery of basic needs to ordinary citizens and these include access to affordable food, health, education, shelter, water and sanitation, public information among many others. No one should be alienated from these basic and fundamental human rights on account of one’s poor economic status. IMPACT OF POVERTY ON BUSINESS OPERATIONS When a person doesn’t have disposable income he/she make purchases of commodities, goods and services. Therefore many cannot increase their sales. Production output drops. Some companies put their staff on short time. This further reduces disposable income. Financial sectors do not grant credit to low- income earners therefore the financial market suffers. Inflation rises. The GDP of the country drops. The price of goods and services increase. The people with low income and those that receive social grants do not have enough many to but commodities. Companies that do not make high turnovers cannot plough moneys back into communities for social upliftment. ALLEVIATION OF POVERTY BY THE GOVERNMENT Aid refers to the net flow of official development assistance provide by governments, international agencies, and public institutions of the industrialized countries. The term is also used to encompass help (both material and technical) provided by non- governmental organizations (NGOs) and voluntary agencies to countries and people in need, particularly for disaster or emergency relief. The overall portfolio of assistance of a donor, or the range of aid I provides to a particular country, is often referred to as its aid programme. The various recognized categories of aid such as: Bilateral aid * Project aid * Grant aid * Technical assistance * Emergency aid/Disaster relief * Food aid * Voluntary aid GLOBAL POVERTY! IS BUSINESS THE ANSWER? When activists discuss the way less developed countries have missed out on the benefits of globalization, Multinational Corporations are often portrayed as the villains. But to some, they are the solution and the only one. CONCLUTION In conclusion I would just like to say that we, as South Africans, need to show the world that we are strong and we are better prepared for global turmoil than we previously were. WE ARE HERE TO STAY!! Absolute Poverty POVERTY What is poverty? Poverty is the economic condition in which people lack sufficient income to obtain certain minimal levels of health services, food, housing, clothing, and education generally recognized as necessary to ensure an adequate standard of living. What is considered adequate, however, depends on the average standard of living in a particular society. Relative poverty is that experienced by those whose income falls considerably below the average for their particular society. Absolute poverty is that experienced by those who do not have enough food to remain healthy. However, estimating poverty on an income basis may not measure essential elements that also contribute to a healthy life. People without access to education or health services should be considered poor even if they have adequate food. CAUSES OF POVERTY One of the greatest challenges facing many least developed countries especially in the African continent is the worsening scourge of poverty with its attendant effects of unemployment, malnutrition, illiteracy, HIV/AIDS and destitution. There are many causes of poverty complex and multi-dimensional in nature. They involve among many others gender inequality, economical, political and social exclusion. Therefore any intervention measures designed to respond to the challenges above should be judged by their ability to positively make a significant dent on poverty at a micro level (lower levels of society such as the households or individual levels). There should be a clear linkage between macro level policies and micro level impacts in terms of reducing poverty or at least providing an environment for poverty reduction. Such a policy should be able to facilitate the delivery of basic needs to ordinary citizens and these include access to affordable food, health, education, shelter, water and sanitation, public information among many others. No one should be alienated from these basic and fundamental human rights on account of one’s poor economic status. IMPACT OF POVERTY ON BUSINESS OPERATIONS When a person doesn’t have disposable income he/she make purchases of commodities, goods and services. Therefore many cannot increase their sales. Production output drops. Some companies put their staff on short time. This further reduces disposable income. Financial sectors do not grant credit to low- income earners therefore the financial market suffers. Inflation rises. The GDP of the country drops. The price of goods and services increase. The people with low income and those that receive social grants do not have enough many to but commodities. Companies that do not make high turnovers cannot plough moneys back into communities for social upliftment. ALLEVIATION OF POVERTY BY THE GOVERNMENT Aid refers to the net flow of official development assistance provide by governments, international agencies, and public institutions of the industrialized countries. The term is also used to encompass help (both material and technical) provided by non- governmental organizations (NGOs) and voluntary agencies to countries and people in need, particularly for disaster or emergency relief. The overall portfolio of assistance of a donor, or the range of aid I provides to a particular country, is often referred to as its aid programme. The various recognized categories of aid such as: Bilateral aid * Project aid * Grant aid * Technical assistance * Emergency aid/Disaster relief * Food aid * Voluntary aid GLOBAL POVERTY! IS BUSINESS THE ANSWER? When activists discuss the way less developed countries have missed out on the benefits of globalization, Multinational Corporations are often portrayed as the villains. But to some, they are the solution and the only one. CONCLUTION In conclusion I would just like to say that we, as South Africans, need to show the world that we are strong and we are better prepared for global turmoil than we previously were. WE ARE HERE TO STAY!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Instructional Design Essay

Task analysis is often considered the most critical component of instructional design. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Task analysis is a critical component in the instructional design process because it provides important information about the content and/or tasks that will form the basis for the instruction being developed. Careful consideration must be taken to ensure that there is a clear understanding of what learners are to know or are able to accomplish by participating in instruction. Coming to this understanding requires the identification of the type of content that will make up the instruction and in what sequence this content should be provided (Brown & Green, 2005). I must agree that a task analysis is very critical in the instructional design process. It serves as a guide for teachers and learner of which to lead each to the end product-successful implementation and application. Support your response with examples. The mathematics teacher knows that she needs to conduct a task analysis to determine the steps her students need to take in order to master the skills taught. With following the procedural analysis approach, she analyzed the task of adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators by identifying the various steps required to successfully complete the task. In conducting the procedural analysis, the teacher went through the each step sequentially. Once they had the steps listed, the student performed the task through practice and eventually became more comfortable with the skill. The process helped the teacher identify if there were any missing steps. The result of the procedural analysis was a flowchart that identified the different sub steps that needed to take place in order for the students master the skill when different scenarios occur, such as regrouping when subtracting fractions. The flowchart was compared to the implementation of the skill the previous year. The teacher determined that the previous implementation left out important steps and that new implementation proved that needed to be developed.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Human Resource and Organizational Performance Essay

Human Resource and Organizational Performance - Essay Example HR therefore can improves a company performance through; increasing motivation and promoting positive attitudes among the employees, increasing employees abilities and skills, giving employees a vast responsibilities so that they can realize their potential and make full use of their abilities and skills. Moreover, through looking at the wellness/safety and health of the employees such as development of accident prevention strategies, substance and AIDS abuse policies, health and legal safety policies, and promotions and implementations of wellness programs, companies make its employees comfortable and work towards the achievement of the company goals and objective. For example, FedEx Corporation Company has made lots of strides through their Human Resource strategy where they developed a philosophy called people-service-profit (Bohlander & Snell, 2010). The fundamental belief from that philosophy was that excellent care of the employees yield excellent service to the company. FedEx offers regular feedback actions programs as well as annual survey to track employees’ relations. The above program provided resolution opportunities and permits problem assessment. The company also provided better ways of addressing problems so that the company employees could be kept balanced (Berger, 2011).Additionally, a strong Human Resource offers Training and development services to their employees to boost employees’ skills and knowledge in their job areas to international standards. This involves designs, evaluation, planning.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Koran and 1001 Nights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Koran and 1001 Nights - Research Paper Example Her words and the words of the learned quizzing her reveal that the primary aim of Muslims is to achieve purity of body and spirit so that they will be worthy of meeting God. The book reflects the principles of the Koran in a thematic way through the various tales and the frame story. These stories reveal the principles of the Koran at work in the lives of the characters. The frame story of the Thousand and One Nights reflects the stories within the book in that each of the female characters are facing tests of their purity and their dedication and each time they demonstrate forgiveness, understanding and dedication. The male characters are often people with power, respected men who still manage to doubt, mess up or do wrong things. These men find the way back to purity, acceptance of Mohammed as prophet, dedication to the one true religion and renewed happiness and life. Evil men do not conform to these principles and suffer as a result of their willfulness. The frame story of a ruler who promises to take a new wife each evening and kill her each morning is reflected in these stories by allowing the ruler to see himself in each tale and his storyteller and latest wife, Shahrazad, in the roles of the female characters. As she gently instructs him in his religion, she is saving her own life and the lives of 1001 other of her countrywomen. She also pre sents the ruler with three healthy sons in this period and is finally rewarded with life and honor as the ruler’s

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cross National Agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cross National Agreement - Essay Example Trade agreements stimulate and facilitate trade between different countries through the complete or partial elimination of unfair trade tariffs. Another main objective of economic integration is to increase industrial efficiency through â€Å"economies of scale† which refer to increased levels of productivity related to increased levels of output of all member states of the economic union therefore leading to lower costs and higher productivity. Some of the different stages of economic integration between countries are (Tutor2u, 2012): a) Trade agreements - are formal negotiations between two or more countries where they negotiate lower import tariffs and work to facilitate the bureaucracy and paper work involved in the export and import of goods and services between member countries. b) Trade Liberalization (Free Trade Agreements) - In principle it eliminates barriers to free trade by eliminating unfair tariffs and entry barriers between member states or nations. It further e stablishes standard import tariffs for non-member country imports into the free trade zone. During the last two decades there has been a significant growth in international trade agreements, specifically â€Å"Regional Trade Agreements†, most of them have been free trade agreements with a focus in reducing tariffs and other artificial barriers of trade between participants. The North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) and the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) are both good examples. ASEAN (Association of South East Nations), and Mercosur are two additional examples. c) Custom Union - Some agreements are more encompassing and sophisticated such as the European Union (EU) where not only is trade policy regulated, but it establishes common external tariffs for non-union members. It also regulates and oversees the regional rules concerning flows of capital, agreements on financial policy, competition, environmental regulations, practices and movement and regulation of labor. d) Commo n Market-Where a group of countries integrate all its participants into a single integrated market. Free movement of capital, labor and services among members is the trademark of single markets. e) Single Currency(Monetary Union)-The European Union, by adopting an economic model of a Custom Union with a single common currency the Euro, is a perfect example of a highly integrated regional economy. f) Economic Union-(combines Custom Union/Common Market) There are both pros and cons to free trade agreements. Free trade can help drive healthy competition between industries therefore providing better products and prices to its consumer base. Trade agreements can help provide countries with a competitive advantage where countries can specialize in products and services that they do and produce most efficiently. It has been argued that the increased productivity only applies to the increased aggregate wealth and not how fairly increased income will be distributed among its participants (Wh ite, 2012). It has been proposed that free trade is a catalyst that helps foster peace between nations through functional and economic interdependence as well as providing a basis for healthy for overall economic growth of all nations involved. Free Trade agreements also tend to negate the practice of economic Protectionism, which is widely practiced by many countries to protect their own economies when Free Trade Agreements are not enacted between countries. Simply stated the host country imposes high import tariffs and other unfair trading regulations on foreign competing products or services which by limiting the consumer markets this practice tends to create higher prices and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hegelian Idealism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hegelian Idealism - Essay Example "the atoms that make a man are just atoms by themselves, with no inherent value. It is the whole that must be evaluated. 'Isolated moments' may be recorded accurately but these moments mean nothing without context." "This is the meaning of reality for Hegel that reality is the whole truth, grasped by our rational concepts. Reality is the absolute truth, it is the totality and synthesis of all partial and limited truth. Reality properly understood is the totality of truth of absolute mind. This breathtaking vision of absolute total reality is linked to the method by which it is known. This is the famous method of dialectic" So the 'whole' is sovereign over the 'parts'. Through some self-reflection and through living socially we find that views are one-sided, slanted and so on capable of improvement. This produces an opposite. This is similar to Jungian Psychology which emphasizes the overcoming of opposites with a 'transcendent third'.1 In Hegelian terms Note that in Jungian Psychology there is also similarity with Hegelian philosophy in that Jungian Psychology emphasizes the evolution of consciousness, whereby the individual desires conscious growth and unconscious participation but that the slant is towards the former in general. (see for example, the Jungian thinker, Eric Neumann's 'The origins and History of Consciousness' (1954) this is usually phrased thesis-antithesis-synthesis. The new point (the transcendent third) is the one which synthesizes "the two opposing philosophies into a more complete truth." (Lavine, 1985, p214) Note that Lavine said 'opposing philosophies'. Hegel emphasizes the collective over the individual. Indeed the individual needs a contributing idea to give his or her life meaning through contributing to the whole. It is a very history based system in that it assumes that each historical generation learns from and improves the previous generations philosophy hence is coming closer to absolute truth.2 EXISTENTIALISM Existentialism was around before the post-world war 2 period but it was in this aftermath of devastation that it reached its height in influence. This is mainly true when we look at French existentialism. Paul Sartre was the first to use the term 'existentialism'3 and other French philosophers such as Gabriel Marcel, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Simone de Beauvoir, and Albert Camus have all also been regarded as existentialists.4 Existentialists are critical about scientism which they see as the dominant hegemonic culture that is indifferent or hostile to healthier and more meaningful worldviews. Existentialists tend to think that scientism creates a culture slanted towards meaninglessness and whereby therefore a whole host of negative substitutes to meaning will be lived-out instead such as addictions and obsessions

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Medieval Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medieval Christianity - Essay Example It is said in the text that â€Å"because they presumed to interpret the words of the gospel in a sense of their own, not perceiving that there were any others, they said that the gospel ought to be obeyed altogether according to the letter; and they boasted that wished to do this, and that they only were the true imitators of Christ† suggest clearly that heretics have no right to question the authority of the especially in interpreting the holy scriptures (Augsburg 149). This happens because the church leaders believe firmly that they have authority to conduct teachings. This happens because they want to avoid inconsistencies with the beliefs of the people. However, there should be a consideration on the part of the heretics since some of them are actually pointing out the wrong attitudes of the church. Based on the aforementioned scenario, the subjectivity of faith or religion is undermined given that the authorities assert that there is only one way of reading the bible ins tead of giving chances to people to relate with it. This happened because the dark ages indicated already that church has the power and strict compliance is a must. Instead of the church leaders being guides to the practice of faith, they have become tyrants that dictate the subjective condition of faith.   The text, in general, shows portrays the social turmoil that is going on. There is autocratic rule of the church. He is pointing out that all heretics are wrong. There is an extreme assertion here about faith being an innate human emotion and condition. (Augsburg 149). Also, the text points out that there are indeed inconsistencies that made the heretics deal with it. At the same time, the text is can be considered satirical in nature because of an attempt to delineate heresy with inconsistencies especially when they mentioned the sacrileges and contradictions between the sacred scripture and the saintly wisdoms (Augsberg 149). Also, there is an implication about being exclusiv e on the part of the church and on education. This reflects, in totality, that the medieval condition of the church complicated the function of social institutions and instilled conflict amongst other people that resulted to bloodshed. On the second text entitled On the Pastoral Office by John Wycliffe, the context that befits it is still the Middle Ages and the unjust and horrendous practices that happened during that time. How is this so? The text mentioned something about evil acts or perversion with the devil lingering among the ranks of rulers during the time (Wycliffe 185). This opens up to the synthesis that there are indeed abuses and injustices on the masses perpetrated not just by rulers but also of the church who exercise control over them. This shows that it is indeed the church who proclaim holiness in their words are the ones who exercise.

Living with in-laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Living with in-laws - Essay Example Land is very reasonable right now and we had found several potential locations from looking online in the county where my mother lives. It’s a peaceful place where simple people can get away from the pressure of living in the fast paced, automated work world. There were plenty of places nearby that weren’t polluted; we could still go fishing, camping, and enjoy nature. What a sweet deal! There was no reason to stay in North Carolina as being near my wife’s family had always proved to be more of a stressor than helpful. Her family has some serious issues with backwoods ignorance and just plain meanness that made wanting to leave look like the next best thing to oxygen. They argue and bicker continuously; that is when they are still speaking to each other. Besides, we had never lived near my mother; I missed the closeness we had shared in my youth. She has always been a good mom to me; supporting every effort I made to grow and develop myself along the journey. Now that she’s facing her senior years, and is alone, I felt it would be wonderful to be close by in case she needs some support. About two months after I left for Missouri, my wife called one day, crying, and told me that her mother was ill. Apparently she had developed heart problems; I’m sure it had nothing to do with all the pork and lard biscuits she eats, and cigarettes she smokes. Make no mistake about it, mountain women are just plain work. I missed my wife; there was no way I wanted to stay in Missouri and let her stay in North Carolina for any extended length of time by herself, especially not at the mercy of her family. This was our dream and I just couldn’t get excited about it with her missing from the picture. As much as it killed me, I stopped everything and came back to North Carolina to support my wife in dealing with her family. My wife took her mother to the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How will professional organizations play a role in your professional Assignment - 1

How will professional organizations play a role in your professional life - Assignment Example More powerful processors are used in the mobile phones, cameras to process the various types of signals, playing of multimedia. We think that fridges, gas cooker, iron, etc. devices will have much developed microprocessor to process various tasks. People’s desire to make all processes automatically done, force people to use various processors-integrated devices, for instance, processor in the microwave can decide how to heat products, and in the future processors will automatically cook dishes, almost without the people’s intervention. We should underline that professional organizations assist their members in finding their jobs, or offer them job listings and they help members to find their job. And I think that in my professional life it will be the start of my career. We know that after the study process we do not have enough experience to present good job and professional organization can help with mentoring.. And it can be considered as the cornerstone of our professional life, as professional organization can give the worker ability to gain experience from other much experienced workers from the same field. Professional organization can also offer professional development through the courses, publications, workshops, and they can have some special information available only for website members (Anderson, 2012). They can send necessary information to the worker to know new industry trends, and will help in dealing with them. We can also underline special annual conferences aimed on the networking. This is a good opportunity to mix with others workers who for long time work in field. Moreover, such conferences can be a job fair, where one can make contacts with the future boss (Anderson, 2012). Anderson, L. (n.d.). 5 Reasons Professional Organizations are Worth Joining. Retrieved February 23, 2015, from

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

MRT 18, 19 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MRT 18, 19 - Essay Example You would be impacted in that you would have to put extra pressure on manufacturing and sacrifice quality controls. Some potential solutions is to suggest to your boss how quality control will be affected and how that would negatively affect the firm in the long run. You could conditionally agree with the April 1st delivery but keep close tabs on manufacturing, and if they are unable to meet that deadline simply inform the client of this. Or you could keep the mid April delivery date but assure your client that this is vital to ensure quality control. #4 On a personal level I probably would push for the April 1st deadline. It is the case that your boss has a great deal of experience with the matter and if during the course of filling the order, it becomes clear that manufacturing will be unable to complete the task then you can simply relay this message to the client and reassure them that the decision was based on maintaining quality control. #1 The reason why I have chosen Tandberg is because they are one of the global leaders in the marketing and manufacturing of video teleconferencing systems. Furthermore they have a strong hold of the tele-presence equipment market for small businesses which in which video is streaming in such high bandwidth that it actually seems like the person is there. #2 The intended audience is most likely small to large size organizations in which a great deal of their activities may require active participants to travel a long distance or minimize the risk of disease from close human contact. Some specific examples are distance education, healthcare specialists, or even manufacturing. In terms of education one quote from the blog is â€Å"Another opportunity cited is the possibility that students can take classes that may not be offered at their own schools – Mandarin for example – through distance education over video

Monday, July 22, 2019

Why Soft Drink Industry Is Profitable Essay Example for Free

Why Soft Drink Industry Is Profitable Essay 1. Why was the soft drink industry so profitable? Soft drink industry observed growth rate from its inception 1886 to 1990, the consumption of soft drinks saw remarkable growth, below data shows the growth in United State’s consumption. Year| 1899| 1970| 1980| 1990| Consumption| 0. 6| 22. 7| 34. 5| 47. 4| #Consumption: Gallons per person per year Financial figures also back the growth story of the Soft Drink market. ROE %| 1972| 1975| 1980| 1981| 1982| 1983| 1984| 1985| 1986| 1987| 1988| 1989| 1990| Coke| 22| 21| 20| 21| 18| 19| 23| 24| 27| 29| 31| 49| 36| Pepsi| 16| 18| 20| 20| 14| 17| 12| 30| 22| 24| 24| 23| 22|. ROE is even higher across years and it increased to 36% for Coke and 22% for Pepsi in 1990 from 22% and 16% in 1972 respectively. The main reason for being profitable is that the United States market took the soft drinks overwhelmingly and gradually it became a part of their life style also the manufacturing process for concentrate was simple and required small investment, significant cost were to advertise, promotion, market research etc, while bottling process was extremely capital-intensive and involved specialized, high speed lines, but there was no considerable investments required on Advertisements, promotions and market research etc. This way Concentrate Manufacturers and Bottlers complemented each other for higher profit margins by sharing cost on in procurement, production, marketing and distribution. Many of their functions overlap; for instance, Concentrate Manufacturers do some bottling, and bottlers conduct many promotional activities. Balance Sheet data for year 1986 shows that pretax profit as % of assets was $. 40 per case for Concentrate Producers and $. 37 for Bottlers. The Cola war between Coke and Pepsi played significant role to increase the consumer base as both came up with new strategies and ideas to grab the market share from others that resulted to new markets and new consumers.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

My Sisters Keeper | Summary

My Sisters Keeper | Summary Andromeda Anna Fitzgerald: Anna was born with the purpose to safe her sister Kate, now she is thirteen and she doesnt want to do it anymore so she decides to sue her parents for the rights to her own body. Anna is a girl that always wanted to learn new things, she also played hockey on a high level but because she had to help Kate she couldnt continue playing. She also loves astronomy just like her father. Sara Fitzgerald: Sara is the mother of Kate, Jesse and Anna and she would do anything to safe Kates life. When Anna sues her she doesnt understand why and she is afraid that Kate will die without Annas help. Sara is a woman that tries to do the best thing for all of her children but not always in the right way. For thirteen years all of her attention goes to Kate, and her other children suffer the consequences. She also is a former lawyer and she decides to defend her self in Annas lawsuit. Brian Fitzgerald: Brian is Kate, Jesse and Annas Father. When Anna sues him he understands her, and he helps her understand why it is so important for her to help Kate. Brian is a man who likes to keep things cool. He always looks at the situation with a positive mind, and he tries to make the best out of it. Sometimes he goes up on the roof at the fire station (Brian is a fire man) and looks at the stars with his telescope. Jesse Fitzgerald: Jesse is Kate and Annas older brother who nobody pays attention to. His parents are to busy with Kate, and Anna is to busy with her lawsuit. He outs his emotions through pyromania. With these actions he hopes that someone notices him. Jesse looks like he is a tough and cool guy but in reality he is scared. Scared to loose his sister and scared to loose his family. Campbell Alexander: Campbell is the lawyer Anna has hired to help her with her lawsuit. He didnt want to help her at first but when he got to know her and her situation he gave it a shot. Campbell is a man who has a big secret but is too ashamed to tell anyone. But when something goes wrong in the courtroom everyone finds out his secret. Julia Romano: Julia is Annas guardian ad litem (legal guardian) and an ex girlfriend of Campbell Alexander. As they work on the case together their love grows again and they end up getting married. She lives in an apartment with her sister and loves her work. C. Summary Kate Fitzgerald was diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of two. The doctors said Kate needed a bone narrow transplant as soon as possible but no family member seems a match, not even Jesse Kates brother. Brian and Sara, Kates parents, try everything they can, but nothing seems to work. Than the doctor finds a solution, but not a common one. He suggests that Brian and Sara should have an other child, but not just a child, a child that is the perfect match for Kate. This is how Anna was born, she was engineered to save her sisters life. For thirteen years now Anna put up with all the transplants and operations because her parents asked her to and she wanted to help Kate. But when Kate needs a kidney transplant Anna is done. She doesnt want to do it anymore and she decides to sue her parents for the rights to her own body. She hires the famous lawyer Campbell Alexander, though he doesnt believe in her case right away he decides to take it. Because Anna is sewing her own parents she need s a legal guardian to make decisions for her and to look how Anna is treated at home. This legal guardian is Julia Romano, an former girlfriend from Campbell Alexander. Eventually Anna wins the lawsuit and Campbell is now her guardian, but than something horrible happens and everything changes. D. Biography of the author Jodi Picoult was born May 19, 1966 in Nesconset, Long Island. Jodi has written fifteen best selling novels, which include my sisters keeper. Jodi studied creative writing at Princeton, she had al lot of jobs before entering Harvard to get a masters in education. She married Tim van Leer, whom she has known from Princeton. Now Jodi lives in New Hampshire with her husband, three children and all of there animals. E. Personal response, answer the questions 1. Did you like the story or not? I loved the story. I love stories where theres a lot of drama involved. And this story has enough of that. I also really liked the idea. I dont think that anyone could write a story like this and write it so realistic when it didnt happen to themselves, but Jodi did and I admire her for that. 2. What was it that you did or did not like? What I liked about the book was that not everything was about drama and death and problems, there where also a lot of fun parts, like the completely different story about Campbell and Julia. It fits perfectly in the book but it isnt about Kate and her family. 3. Choose one action of the main Character and explain: When Kate is in the hospital to get her chemo, she starts talking to the boy sitting next to her, his name is Taylor Ambrose and he also has Leukaemia. They started to talk about chemo and how it sucks that they have leukaemia but that life goes on. When Taylor is done with his chemo he asks for Kates phone number and they make plans for the next day. Why you would have done the same. I dont know actually. I dont know if I would be in a lot of pain or if I would even have that much courage, but Kate thought what the hell and just did it, and maybe I would do the same thing but for now Im not sure. Why you would have acted differently and how If wouldve done it, I wouldve done exactly the same thing. It is a subject that they both relay to and they both have to live with, so why not make life a little better and get a date. The sources I used:

Comparision Of Ssadm And Ethics Using Nimsad

Comparision Of Ssadm And Ethics Using Nimsad In this chapter, we going to describe and compare two interesting methodologies named ETHICS Effective Technical and Human Implementation of Computer-based Systems. and SSADM (Structured System Analysis and Design Methodologies). ETHICS is a methodology used to solving problem in various field in ethical approach and SSADM is a methodology used to solve problem in Information System. Here there is a comparison between these two methodologies to understand what are the process undertake in those methodologies. There is also discussion about some limitations as well as benefits of two methodologies. For comparing those two methodologies NIMSAD method is used. NIMSAD (Normative Information Model-based Systems Analysis and Design) is a framework which is mainly used for evaluating methodologies. NIMSAD methodology will use four elements to evaluate those methodologies. These methodologies have several advantages as well as several disadvantages, so here there is a discussion about that i n details. Here there is also having description about how the development process is going on in both the methodologies. When evaluating these methodologies we discuss about the problem situation, who is the problem solvers and Problem solving process. ETHICS: ETHICS is an acronym that has an ethical approach to solving problem. ETHICS is introduced by Enid Mumford (Manchester Business School) in the year 1969. Since then, ETHICS was used intensively in both industry and health service (Mumford, 2003). ETHICS is mainly support human Participation (Avison Fitzgerald, 1995) and also it has Socio-Technical Character. During the development process, Ethics helps to the users to find it easier to accept the new system and also help them to get involve into the new system. Due to this, Job efficiency will increase and also leads to higher job satisfaction. The past traditional systems are considered only about economic and technical factor, so it leads to get failure. This led to the appearance of a socio-technical approach, according to which, a system to be successful and effective it has to fit close with the social and organizational factors (Mumford, 1983). The objectives of ETHICS are to create effective, efficient and acceptable Systems. ETHICS also ensure that the design task achieves good organizational design and technical design. ETHICS ask the development people to communicate and share their ideas with team membes.This will brings efficient output at the end. ETHICS methodology is mainly looking for job satisfaction and both short and long term efficiency. It mainly helps to find problems of existing systems and setting efficiency and social objectives for new system. Finally design the new system and implement it. To perform these process, ETHICS group consist of managers, users and technical experts. Ethics Methodologies consist of some stages to create a new system efficiently and effectively. Those stages are explained below step by step: Step 1: Why Change? The design group is finding the drawbacks in current systems and discusses to get answer for the question why do we need to change? (Mumford, 1993). This gives answer to the design group that why they going for new system. Step 2: System Boundaries This step mainly used to identify the boundaries and how boundaries are connected with other systems and also how it interacts with other systems. Step 3: Description of Existing System In this step, design group members all should understand how the existing system works. Before starting to develop new system, they should have knowledge about existing system to start new one perfectly. Step 4: Definition of Key Objectives: The main aim of this stage is to identify the main objectives for the design group to develop new system. Depend on this objective only they will start to do work. Step 5: Definition of Key Tasks In this step, they will identify the main task which they have to follow. These tasks will be helpful to achieve the above planned objectives. Step 6: Key Information Needs This step mainly used to identify the information needed to carry out the tasks. Step 7: Diagnosis of Efficiency Needs Here the design groups identify the weak links in old system and have to prepare document for that weak link. Weak links are in the existing system which prone to error. These drawbacks are eliminated when developing the new system. People who all are outside the team can also find efficiency needs and they will involve in the development process. Step 8: Diagnosis of Job Satisfaction Needs ETHICS mainly aims to achieve high job satisfication and also it identify the user needs and search the ways to satisfy the user needs. This step will give oppertunity to other people to involved in the development process. Step 9: Future Analysis When developing the new system, development people should not concentrate only to overcome the existing problem. They also have to concentrate about future need that should useful be useful for different environment in future. . Step 10: Specifying and Weighting Efficiency and Job Satisfaction Needs and Objectives This step says that everyone in the organization should involve for development process to fulfill the objectives. Mumford finds that this step is very important in this methodology. Step 11: Organizational Design of the New System This step will helpful to satisfy the objectives and to achieve job efficiency. This step is said as logical and conceptual design for the new system. Step 12: Technical Options The physical design of the new system is used in this stage. After investigating and evaluating technical options, finally some options are most suitable to fulfill the project objectives. Step 13 Preparation of Detailed Design Work Here the new is designed in detail and they will prepare perfect documentation from previous steps. The task and responsibilities are allocated to the several groups. All developing people will have effective relationship when they doing the process. Step 14 Implementation This is the most important stage. After developing the successful project, developing team should implement the new project. Step 15 Evaluation After implementation, the system will evaluate to ensure the new system satisfy the objectives. The system should be efficient and effective. SSADM: SSADM is a water fall method that flows a structured approach to the analysis and design of information systems. SSADM is mostly concerned with describing data and processes through data flow diagram. In the year 1981, SSADM is used as mandatory method in UK for their project development. Later other countries and most private organization start to use SSADM (Ashworth et al, 1990). It is an efficient method to explain description in dataflow model. SSADM helps the project development team to understand the following questions: 1) What is to be done? 2) When is to be done? 3) How is to be done? 4) Where the resultant informs is to be documented? (Bentley et al, 1995) The basic assumption that systems have an underlying, generic, data structure which changes very little over time (Ashworth et al, 1990). This is called as data-driven method. There are several SSADM techniques available all grouped together and form framework of sequent stages. These stages will have many inputs and it will get corresponding outputs (Aktas, 1987; Ashworth et al, 1990; and others). The framework has some component like Structures, Techniques and Documentation. Structures will define all the stages in development process. Techniques shows how development team implemented there product. And the documentation will contain details of the development process. It will be used for references in future (Ashworth et al, 1990; Bentley et al, 1995). The users should need experience and help from developers to use this application. SSADM approach consists of two phases. They are: 1) System Analysis phase 2) System Design phase In System Analysis phase, there are three modules. Those modules are used to study the proposed system and finding requirement by analysing current system. Then they will set possible solutions for the system requirement. Until getting technical options, they have to analysis the requirement. In system design phase, after getting technical solutions developers will look for logical design. After finding logical design it transformed to systems physical design and to get physical design they will use different methods and techniques (Ashworth et al, 1990). The SSADM methodology consists of seven stages. Every stage is followed by reviewing to assure that the goals were achieved. Now we can see detail view about those stages. Stage 0: Feasibility Study In this stage, development team analysis and determine about the project is possible by the technologies and they determine whether project is financially justified or not. Here they will define the problem statement. The project should accepted by all people not only users and development team. They will set boundaries and analyses the problem and the boundaries are set by using data flow diagram. Stage 1: Investigation of Current Environment This stage is to analysis the requirement. In this stage, analysts understand system requirements and interviews employees and users about how to fulfill the requirements. They will also studies previous documentation for the reference. If there is no feasibility, they will investigate feasibility here. Stage 2: Business System Option Business system option is one of the requirement analysis stages. This stage will define boundaries of the solution and also define input and output. The transformation of the data all processed inside the system. Business system option will be founded in the previous stage and it may be the solution for system requirements. Analyst will collect some business system options and show to the client. Client will select any one from that. During this Stage 3: Requirements Definition This is requirement specification stage and it will be used to combine outcomes from first stage with selected business system option. It will lead to develop specification of the system. The specification will say that what the system going to do. Stage 4: Technical System Option Technical system option will be same like business system option but here they will have number of implementation options. In those implementation options developers will select most suitable solution. This option is evaluated by system performance, financial and time needed to implement the system, etc. This is logical system specification and it will be last stage of the analysis phase. Stage 5: Logical Design Last stage have been analysis about the logical deign but stage 4 only concentrate on technical implementation. This stage will have details about human factor. The designers will decide how the system has to interact with user. Output will be in commands, User interfaces and menus. Stage 6 Physical Design This is the final stage of SSADM methodology, In which implementation process will take place. Here developers will connect all outcomes of previous stages and give final output of the system. So finally developing team will pass the project to implementation. NIMSAD: Before comparing above methodologies we can see details about NIMSAD methodology and its elements. NIMSAD is a Meta framework that is used to evaluate the methodologies, structures, etc. This is special methodology for Information system development methodologies. But it will used in wide area. Methodology is defined as an explicit way of structuring (rationalizing) thinking and action, involving both critical and creative thinking (Jayaratna, 1994, p. xi). NIMSAD framework uses four elements to evaluate methodologies. The four elements are: 1) Problem Situation 2) Intended problem solver 3) Problem solving process 4) Evaluation In evaluation, it will evaluate all other three elements. Evaluation consist of two parts, they are internal evaluation and external evaluation. Internal evaluation means that it evaluates the methodology which is planned itself. External evaluation will consider about feedback, industrial reference, etc. Problem Situation: Here Organization will act as a framework for the information systems. It will found efficiency of Information systems. During the development process they will have interaction between the development members as shown in figure. Here they will investigate or examine about the present problems situation. FIGURE: 1 Intended problem solver: Intended problem solver also called as methodology user. The success of the project is mainly depending on problem solver. Even though methodology is more efficient, the successful implementation is depending on problem solver. The problem solver is not only from the organisation, they may be from outside the organisation. The problem solver may be designer, implementer, consultant or, etc. Problem solver will think in different view of methodology to make it efficient. FIGURE: 2 Problem solving process: Problem solving process is mainly used in all the methodologies. Without this element we cant perform any operation. In this process, they will consider about analysing and evaluating about existing system and finding problems in the existing system. Here they will maintain all process through either in diagrams or by documentation. After finding problems then they will analyse about requirement of the project and then after getting system requirement they will start to design the project. Then finally have to implement the new sytem to the environment. It should accept by society and it should be efficient to all people who all are can use the project. In problem solving process, there are three phases and these phases have divided into some sub stages as given below: 1) Problem formulation Stage 1 Understanding the situation of concern Stage 2- Performing the diagnosis Stage 3 Defining the prognosis outline Stage 4 Defining problems Stage 5 Deriving notional systems 2) Solution Design Stage 6 Performing conceptual/logical design Stage 7 Performing physical design 3) Design implementation Stage 8 Implementing the designs These three phases are mainly used for analysis, design and implementation of the project. Problem formulation: In first phase, Development team will find the boundary and analysis about the project. They will analysis about what are the problem will occur and finds solutions for that problem. In Problem formulation they will understand the concept of new system. Without having knowledge of new system they will not start to do work. Solution Design: In Solution design phase, logical design and physical design are take place. Here they will design as they planned in the previous phase with logical and physical design technique. Without completing first phase they wont come for second phase. Design implementation: In this phase, the designed project is implemented. Comparison of ETHICS SSADM: As said earlier, this section will have compare of both ETHICS and SSADM methodologies by using NIMSAD method. Problem Situation: To get an efficient output at the end, problem situation is one of the very important elements in ETHICS methodology. Here the developers in organisation all are communicate and share their thoughts each other and they will analyse about why they going for the new system. They will also find what the drawbacks are in present system. Here they will identify the boundaries, which are interacts with other systems. In SSADM methodology, analysts investigate about the problems with client. The analysts will be the technical person. By investigating the problem they will determine whether it is possible by technology or not. They will have all problem descriptions in data flow diagram, which is used to identify problem easily. During this stage, will have interview with both users and employees to analyse about the problem. When comparing with ETHICS, here they will analyse about client problem that means they will interact with client about their problems. Where in ETHICS, team analyse about existing systems drawbacks to overcome present situation. In SSADM, they only use dataflow diagram for reference but in ETHICS they will maintain detail description drawback of existing system. Intended problem solver: In ETHICS, each and every member in the project development as well as outside the project management team is all problem solvers. Here to improve the efficiency of the project, members from outside the project management team also involved in development process. They will identify the weak links in old system and inform to the development team. Everyone in the team as well as people from outside the team identifies the user needs and they will search the ways to fulfil the user requirement. So that outcome will be very efficient and it will satisfy the user needs. The developers and project managers are the problem solvers in SSADM methodologies. SSADM methodology mainly depends on technical aspects. So only developers only can think about situation and can analyse about problems. Here new users cant understand anything perfectly, so new users should need help from some experienced technical people. These problem solvers also need social skills to make project very efficient. When comparing SSADM with ETHICS, Other people (outside the team) cant involve into the process. In SSADM, only technical members in a team only can interact but in ETICHS members from outside the team are also the problem solver. Problem solving process: Stage 1 Understanding the situation of concern In ETHICS, team members and managers should understand what problem is present in the present system. Without understanding problems, they cant set objectives and they cant start to develop the new system. As discussed earlier, here project team find the answer for the question why do we need to change?(Mumford, 1993). Here the users, managers and technical peoples are all identify and originate the problem (Jayaratna, 1994). They will refer the old documentation and analyse the existing system for understanding about the drawbacks. In SSADM, They will construct the boundaries for understanding the problems. Dataflow diagrams are very helpful to construct the boundaries. Its very difficult to understand everything using DFD diagram, so this process are establishes the hidden boundaries. In this stage, ETHICS also construct the boundaries and they will connect boundaries with other system to communicate or share the boundaries. So both methodologies are constructing boundaries to get clear idea about project Stage 2- Performing the diagnosis In ETHICS, two dynamic processes are interacts with each other. First process is situation of concern; here they will understand the problem in existing system and second process is problem solvers idea. Here problem solvers will also identify weak links and inform to development team, they will prepare document for the weak link. Here they will give problem situation in diagrammatic view that helps to problem solver to identify the problems. They will also refer the existing systems document to understand about the problem solution. Dataflow diagram is mainly used in SSADM methodology. This diagram is very useful give clear idea about how formal data are flow. These dataflow diagrams will say how data is processed and also have details about logical data model and logical data flow model. In this stage they will indicate only regularly or frequently used pattern. So in ETHICS there will be clear idea about situation because they will maintain full document perfectly and clearly. But in SSADM only dataflow model representation so it is not efficient when comparing to that methodology. Stage 3 Defining the prognosis outline Prognosis is a process used to understand reasoning for change. It is not full description of new project. So in ETHICS, developers, managers and users should understand why they going for new system. Without reason or drawback they will not going for new system (as discussed earlier). Here developing team should analysis about drawback of existing system. This step is key step for newly proposed system. If there is no reason for developing new project then they will stop planning to develop the new one. Where in SSADM, prognosis is not necessary because new system will develop depend on client requirement. So client only know what they want. But here client will choose different Business Systems Options depend upon their needs. So in this step SSADM will be deferring from ETHICS methodology. Stage 4 Defining problems Defining problems is a stage used to identify gap between current state and wanted new state. Here developing team will examine what the things are missing in current state. So that they can rectify problem in desired state and this stage is depend on both diagnosis and prognosis. In ETHICS, developing team will analyses about how existing system works and what are the drawbacks available. Then they will find why they going for new project. Depend on problem definition only team members can set key objectives for the new systems. In SSADM, very early they will define the problem in feasibility study. Even they are defining the problem they are not clear because they dont have prognosis. Depend upon user requirement only they going to develop the new system. But in ETHICS they should define the problem before start to develop the new system. Here they dont have clear idea about why they going for change in current system because client only know about all details. Stage 5 Deriving notional systems: Deriving notional systems is a process used to identify requirement of a system. If system requirement is identified then it is more possible to conversion of current state to desired state. In ETHICS, they first investigate what are the drawbacks to overcome and then they will analyse about whether system requirement want to change or dont want to change. Here they will also analyse about technical options like hardware, software, etc. If they have enough requirements already they will start to do work. The requirements are gathering from the client in SSADM methodology. So this will be heavy advantage in this stage. After collecting requirement from client, developers will start to investigate about requirements and weather it is possible to complete the task or impossible. If they have all system requirements and other requirement then they will start to develop the new system. When developing new system, each and every time they will shows to client to check feedback from them. It is easier way to understand what the client wants. Stage 6 Performing conceptual/logical design: Most of the methodologies are using dataflow diagram, Logical data diagram, ER diagram for explain the process and define roles for individuals. The DFD is mainly used to say the information is passing and logical data diagram used to show what information is stored and how it is interacting. This diagram is mainly used in SSADM because that methodology mainly depend on diagrammatic view when comparing to ETHICS. This stage is much similar to conceptual/ logical analysis. In order to increase efficiency and to achieving objectives this stage will be useful. But in ETHICS, they will prepare documentation to have details about developing project. They mostly will not use diagrammatic representation like DFD and ER diagram but have all details in documentation. This stage will used to achieve job efficiency and it will satisfy the objectives. This stage will be more helpful to SSADM methodology because this methodology will mostly use DFDs to describe the process. SSADM is also useful for structured dialogues. The logical diagnosis diagram is modified to get this design and the diagnosis diagram is modified depend upon users requirement. In ETHICS this stage mostly not useful but in SSADM methodology this stage will be very helpful. Stage 7 Performing physical design: This stage is mainly used to understand about what are the things require for developing new project. Here in ETHICS they will investigate and evaluate the available technical option like Hardware, Software and User Interfaces, etc. This stage will be very useful the achieve the objectives. In SSADM methodology, here developers will use all the stages to get final design. This stage is mainly depending on technical side. End of these stage programmers will start to develop the project and implementation process also will start. But ETHICS methodology used to in all field where as SSADM is mainly focussing on technical side. So it is very big drawback in SSADM. Stage 8 Implementing the designs: This stage is final to give successful project to the environment. After implementing they have to train the users to say how to use the system and then integrate the new system into the environment. In ETHICS, depend upon the requirement they will use several tools and they will implement the project. We cant say specific stages to implement the project because requirement will be defer from each and every project. In SSADM, depend on user requirement they will develop the project and implement it. Evaluation: After implementing the project, finally have to evaluate that because simple execution of methodology is not efficient. It should be more helpful and it should be efficient in environment. Evaluation is mainly used to find what are the things have to change in new system and why they have to change the system. Problem situation, problem solvers, problem solving process these are the elements going to evaluate here. After developing the project it will evaluate how the methodology helps to develop that particular project. When evaluating these elements if they not satisfy with any process means they will start to do from first stage. At initial stage they will evaluate everything and plan to do project and also there is a chance to evaluate during the developing stage. As discussed earlier, in ETHICS after finishing implementation they will start to evaluate because they have to know whether new system is effective or not. And also they will evaluate whether it satisfy the objectives or not. If something is missing from objectives means they will start to rework the project and then re-evaluation will take place until they satisfy with their development. Where in SSADM there is no evaluation is take place because there is no objective to the developers. Here the developers are show the output of each stage to client and get feedback from them. So it wills satisfy the client in that way. Developing team no need to evaluate those things here. Conclusion: This above report is compared very important and interesting methodology named SSADM and ETHICS. Both methodologies are very useful in different fields. But ETHICS is mostly used in wide area but SSADM is for Information Systems. These two methodologies will have several benefits and also have several drawbacks. In both methodologies, people who are in developing team should need experience to develop the project. Without experience if they started to do develop then it will leads to failure. In this section, there is a comparison between two methodologies in several ways. In ETHICS mostly developing people will maintain document for having detail about developing process and for describing drawbacks, etc. but in SSADM they will use dataflow diagram for maintaining details and for showing operation flow. But these DFDs are not useful for different type of problem like web application, decision support, etc. In SSADM structured approach are used for designing and modelling but ETHICS is fully uses organisational framework. SSADM will have feasibility, analysis, logical design and physical design and Ethics will give job satisfaction as well as it will improve efficiency. SSADM will use waterfall model(Software Development Life Cycle model) in designing stage. So that at the end of development process they will prepare document for reference. In ETHICS, according to Objectives they will start to do work and also they will follow fifteen stages. According to that fifteen stages developers will develop the new system. SSADM is very costly for larger project and also have to write several docmentation for maintaining. But the documentation is not worthfull because they will have mostly diagramatic representation. ETHICS will also maintain the document but it will have full details clearly. In ETHICS they will develop project according to organisation objectives, so they itself analyse about present situation and going for new one. For example, In real time world microsoft introducing MS-Word in different version. Each and every version will overcome the drawback of existing version. In SSADM, client will give requirement so they have to analyse about that according to that developers have to start to develop. In ETHICS, outside the team members also act as a problem solver due to this the output will be very efficient. In SSADM only developers are the problem solver because they only will have knowledge about technical side. When comparing ETHICS with SSADM, ETHICS will look like very efficient methodology because that methodology widly used for different field. Even it having several advantage some disadvantage also available in this. people should communicate with each other and have to share idea in every stage. In SSADM drawbacks are high cost as well as need communication with experience person to gain knowledge. It not suitable for all kind of systems.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marketing Strategies :: essays research papers

Title:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Guidelines in Increasing the Number of Sales (applicable in any Industry; most Applicable in the Food Industry) Researcher:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RuthLenlea B. Villela Professor:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. M. Pangilinan School:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Technological University of the Philippines Year:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1st Sem School Year 2004 Problem How to increase the Sales in a Local Ice Cream Parlor Summary / Findings PROBLEM ONE: NO SUNDAE DESCRIPTIONS The first problem we saw was that he was only listing the names of his sundaes, since there was no room for a description of each sundae. While this wasn't a problem for his Basic Sundaes, after all, everyone knows what's in a Pineapple Sundae, or a Hot Fudge Sundae, it was a huge problem with his Specialty Sundaes. Many of his Specialty Sundaes had fun, 'creative' names, like The Lala Palooza, The Zombie and The Razzana. Maybe Frank and his staff, and a few of his long-time customers, knew what those sundaes were, but we were certain that most of his customers didn't have a clue. Frank had assumed that his customers knew what those sundaes contained, or if they didn't, they would simply ask. People don't buy what they don't understand. And few are going to ask. They will take the path of least resistance and just buy what they are familiar with -- Pineapple Sundaes, Hot Fudge Sundaes, etc. PROBLEM TWO: NO PICTURES We've all heard that a 'picture is worth a thousand words.' Well, that saying is especially true when it comes to food. When you show pictures of desserts in restaurants, you will sell a lot more desserts. Some restaurants are even more savvy, and actually display the desserts or bring them right to your table for you to see. The bottom line -- visuals sell! Frank had never really thought about his menu system. The plain white letters on the black display boards had been his system since the day his business opened. He never considered adding pictures to his menu. Conclusion: Our experience in marketing, and our knowledge of how people buy, made it clear to us, that these two problems -- obscure sundae names with no descriptions, and no pictures of the sundaes themselves -- were making it nearly impossible for Frank's customers to order his higher-priced sundaes. Having pinpointed the problems, the solution was relatively easy. We suggested that Frank take pictures of each of his Specialty Sundaes, and have them enlarged. Frank then had two large signs made to be placed at both ends of his ordering counter, above his cashiers to make it easy for his customers to see the Specialty Sundaes and what they contained.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Censorship and Selection Essay -- self-censorship

Introduction Censorship is a dirty word to information professionals. Attempts by individuals or groups to restrict the public from reading, hearing or viewing certain materials due to their content, is enough to send librarian's and organizations such as the American Library Association, to the proverbial battle field. However, information professionals from all fields have to make choices about what to include and what not to include in their particular library's collection. How are these selections made? What causes one item to be selected instead of another? The distinction between censorship and selection is infinitesimal, dependent mainly upon the role of the individuals involved. As an information professional, who inherently is charged with the responsibility to protect the rights of the public to have free access to materials, much care must be taken in the selection of materials. By evaluating the collections, by carefully examining what deeply held beliefs we have, and by carefully a dhering to selection policies, information professionals can guard against allowing personal bias influencing selection decisions. What Is Censorship? Censorship can take many forms, but it inherently leads to an individual or group attempting to restrict access to materials. Jenkinson (2002) defines a censor as someone who â€Å"begins with a list of negatives or 'no-no's' and then seeks to identify whether any of these 'taboo' words, subjects, themes or attitudes are present in an item† (p. 22). Irregardless of the context, a censor then seeks to either have the item removed, or not acquired at all. (Jenkinson, 2002, p. 22). Censorship can take place in a visible manner, such as a parent or group challenging a book. However, a far more... ... Hill, R. (2010). The problem of self-censorship. School Library Journal. (27)2. p. 9-12. Kidd, K. (2009). â€Å"Not Censorship but Selection†: Censorship and/as prizing. Children's Literature in Education, 40(3), 197-216. doi:10.1007/s10583-008-9078-4 Mazer, Norma Fox. (1997). Shhhh! The ALAN Review. (24)2, 46-48. Retrieved from McMenemy, D.   (2008). Selection and censorship: librarians and their collections.  Library Review,  57(5),  341-344.   doi:  1497848431 Staples, S. (1996). What Johnny Can't Read. The ALAN Review. (23)2, n.p. Retrieved from Van Kampen, Doris J., and Rose Spino. 2007. "Issues in the retention and selection of materials: Censorship and self-selection." Catholic Library World 77(3), 222-225.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Potential of Gene Therapy to Cure Diabetes Essay -- Biology Medica

The Potential of Gene Therapy to Cure Diabetes Abstract Gene therapy treats and prevents a disease by introducing a vector of genetic material into certain cells to alter the function or ability of a gene. The promise of gene therapy as a cure for diabetes has been considered ever since this new technology emerged into the clinical and research sphere. Although such methods have yet to undergo human clinical tests, gene therapy holds much potential to bring a radical new way of treating autoimmune diseases such as diabetes. By targeting certain genes that control the insulin and ?-cell production in the pancreas, gene therapy will someday fulfill its potential to cure the disease that is the number one cause of heart disease in the United States. This paper will explore the potential protocols and products that can be used to treat Type I Diabetes. Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that has affected more than 140 million people in the world. This disease, results from the attack of the killer T-cells of the immune system upon the ?-cells in the pancreas that produces insulin. (Lin et al., 2001). Until recently, this disease could only be treated with daily insulin injections and adherence to a strict, low glucose diet. With more than ninety percent of diabetics at risk for future complications like heart disease, blindness, and renal failure, diabetes has developed into more than just a medical issue. Diabetes is also becoming largely an emotional and economic issue. Victims of this disease have no choice but to adjust their lives around the only object that could change their lives?a daily injection that may cost 50% of the annual income in developing countries and up to 600% in non-developed countries. New technology th... Therapy, (10), 875-889. Grey, S.T., et al. (1999). Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of the anti-apoptotic protein A20 in rodent islets inhibits IL-1ï ¿ ½-induced NO release. Transplantation Proceedings, (31),789. Lin, Andrew, Cathy Huang, and Kendrick Ong. (2001). Type I AutoImmune Diabetes. Diabetes & Gene Therapy. July 21, 2005: Nitta, Y., et al. (1998). Systemic Delivery of Interleukin 10 by Intramuscular Injection of Expression Plasmid DNA Prevents Autoimmune Diabetes in Nonobese Diabetic Mice. Human Gene Therapy, (9), 1701-1707. Rudolph, Frederick B., et al. (1996). Biotechnology: Science, Engineering, and Ethical Challenges for the 21st Century. Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry P. Thule, P.M. and Liu, J.M. (2000). Regulated hepatic insulin gene therapy of STZ-diabetic rats. Gene Therapy 7: 1744-1752.

World Hunger

We will often hear of people’s desire to solve world hunger, or to help feed and alleviate the suffering associated with it. However, meaningful long-term alleviation is rooted in the alleviation of poverty, as poverty has always led to hunger. As our efforts have only been directed at providing food, and improving food production or distribution, we then generate the structural root causes that create hunger, poverty and dependency to still remain. Along with this; continuous effort, recourses and energies are given to relieve the pains of hunger in our world. There are many inter-related issues that are the cause of hunger; these are also the same factors that are known to cause poverty. Agricultural practices, war, drought, overfishing and the wasting of food; are some of the many causes of both world hunger and poverty. Because they are connected in a way; solving world hunger becomes hard and nearly impossible to stop. Both hunger and poverty have always led to each other in the end; making the issue uncontrollable and unstoppable. In order for one of these issues to be solved, would require the alleviation of the other; causing a long, endless chain of continuation. Hunger and poverty are very serious issues, and in no way should just be swept under the rug. The amount of food that gets thrown away each day is shocking; and could probably feed 100 people. We don’t do this intentionally; but we waste pounds of food each day, by taking more than what we truly need. World Hunger is something that shouldn’t be such a big problem; but the truth is-it is, it always has been, probably always will be. We’ve got to stand our ground and fight hunger and poverty, cause they can’t do it alone, no one can. We must begin to think a little less about ourselves, and a little more about each other. World hunger and poverty have become very important to me because I have helped out at a homeless shelter, and I have seen the faces of these people; I’ve had the oppertunity to make a connection with them, a connection that most people wouldn’t understand. These people are fighters, you can see it in their eyes. They are survivors of the biggest battle, a battle that they shouldn’t have to fight, a battle that most people don’t even have to think about; and the amazing thing is, they haven’t stopped; their still fighting. They shouldn’t have to do this alone, I am one out of probably a million people who are trying to help them fight this battle; cause I care. All it took was one day, and it has completly changed my life. Seeing all these people, looking into their eyes, feeling their pain; yet seeing a heart full of hope and joy. It has become a life-changing experience that I will never forget. In conclusion, there are a lot of people in our world, with enough food to provide everyone twice a day, yet there are still so many people that are suffering and dying of hunger. We have to face this problem, not turn away from it. I have personally grown to love these people with all my heart, because what they have gone through is truly amazing. They have changed my life forever, and I hope a can help change theirs.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cash Pooling

Name Dina Mohanna Rbeaan substance notes Pooling Supervisor Dr. Nasser Abu Mustafa University NYIT? bullion solicitude bullion pooling Abstr perform The role of the embodied hard property manager has been continuously revise over the past some years, as a impart of the demand for much effective and efficient ways to back the core aims of the organization. This has resulted in parvenu responsibilities for the corporal treasurer and inter tack manager.The r every last(predicate)ying solicitude function is demanding to a bulkyer extent undefiled and continuous information on its specie position to provide responsive prophecy data and handling, so that approachability of liquid at the right time and harm bath be ensu deprivation. So this cover studies the Cash charge concept and conc arrive on the gold pooling and whether its apply in the in- in the midst of eastbound. Introduction The objectives of hard currency guidance argon straightforward maximize liquidity and control coin flows and maximize the value of silver while minimising the terms of bills. The strategies for run into much(prenominal) objectives include vary degrees of long-term planning desirements.Also, exchangeable e trulyplace in the world, much treasury military action in the organizations is concentrated on bullion forethought. This includes funding the corporation, administration of debts ( imseparate, bonds, commercial write ups, and so forth ), unattackable relationships with the cants, hires to suppliers and collections from customers, control of impertinent nifty and sp ar-time action mechanism positions according to the unions pauperizations for finance, and fin exclusivelyy the reporting and technical foul support of all these functions. The substance ab wasting disease of funds pooling as a global measuring rod for concentrating gold into the main bank dep closing of the firm has very quickly give favour in corporation s.Cash pooling enables merged sepa grade to minimize expenditure incurred in nexus with banking facilities by dint of economies of scale. Under a silver in pooling arranging, entities within a unified collection regularly transfer their surplus immediate payment to a single bank bill (the master rate) and, in return, whitethorn draw on the funds in that scoreing system to satisfy their own currency flow requirements from time to time. The master draw is habitually held by the p bent comp slightly(prenominal) or by a treasury Comp any established specifically for this occasion.Depending on the type of notes pooling arrangement, the participating entities whitethorn transfer either their entire cash surplus (zero reconciliation), or cash exceeding a indisputable surplus level (target balancing). In popular, all entities participating in the cash pooling arrangement provide be liable for any negative commensurateness on the master account, irrespective of the nub they collect contri anded. Transfers and draw-downs of funds to and from the master account by the participating companies necessitate the nature of the portion and repayment of intra- sort extinct loans.In concomitant to material cash pooling on that range is to a fault conceptional( too k at presentn as practical(prenominal)) cash pooling. This does non involve the somatogenetic transfer of funds, but earlier the set-off of balances of vary companies within the theme, so that the bank charges recreate on the root words net cash balance. This optimizes the position of the group as regards inte break payments, but does non r apiece out optimal allocation of liquid funds as between the group members. inquisitive cash pooling go out not result in the creation of intra-group loans, since funds are not physically transferred.As such, some(prenominal) an(prenominal) of the finds depict in this brochure do not apply to a rigorously imaginary cash pool ing arrangement. In work out however, a notional cash pooling arrangement impart frequently involve the grant of cross-guarantees and security by the participants to the bank, in articulate to maximize the available overdraft facility. To this extent, many of the risks outlined in this article could be relevant, until now if the cash pooling arrangement is predominantly notional in nature. The specific structure of exclusive cash pooling arrangements can vary.For example, transfers to the master account may be under put acrossn by some(prenominal)(prenominal)ly participating group member separately or may instead be under preceden automatically by the bank on the primer of a power of attorney given by the relevant group company. In addition to the facility engagement with the respective bank, several(prenominal)ly participating group company will usually enter into cash pooling agreement. These agreements must(prenominal) be nonprogressively structured in ensnare t o minimize the risks of civil or malefactor liability of the participating group companies and their sanctionrs. task issues must excessively be carefully considered when structuring cash pooling agreements.Types of cash pooling coin banks generally invite the following types of cash pooling ?zero-balancing cash pooling, ?notional cash pooling, ?multicurrency cash pooling, ?Cross-border cash pooling. ? nought -balancing cash pooling Real cash pooling is found on a transfer from bank accounts to a master account, with balances on all bank accounts yet the master account being zero at the end of the on the job(p) sidereal day. It means this m unmatchabley physically moves from the junior accounts to the master account. Real cash pooling requires companies to keep careful records of cash transfers, inte time out received and paid, and records of enthronisations.Structure of a Zero-Balancing-Pool ?theme pooling Requires a companys subsidiaries to use branches of the correspo nding bank, usually in the same coun movement although with the assumeion of the euro, single-currency cross-border pooling has become rather common in Europe. All the surplusage and deficit balances in the companys subsidiary accounts are summed each day to calculate the net interest gain or receivable. Funds are not actually transferred rather, they are simply totalled for the purpose of calculating interest. Banks usually require belief facilities to support any deficit balances in the pool.National pooling generally requires extensive cross-guarantees among subsidiaries which many companies find very difficult to implement. some(prenominal) countries disallow national pooling . among them are the unify States, Germany, Mexico, Japan and Brazil. In countries where national pooling is not allowed, the zero balance pooling method must be used. Structure of National pooling ?Multicurrency cash pooling Bank account balances in divers(prenominal) foreign currencies are swapped to one concur currency, which is the base for the interest rate calculations. ?Cross-border cash poolingCross-border cash pooling helps corporations avoid the bureaucracy immanent to transferring cash across countries and contrary change systems, as well as different wakeless entities and the headache associated with the additional inter-company loan administration. term in that location is a pickax of solutions in the marketplace, most of these operate on an interest enhancement basis where corporations are rewarded for servicing their liquidity through their chosen bank, but the bank is unable to discover a balance sheet offset feeling collect to the complexity of multiple territorial and regulative barriers.Czech banks now draw out cross-border pooling, twain notional and real, for accounts in the municipal help Czech koruna, euro, US dollar, Central European currencies (such as in the Slovak koruna, Hungarian forint and round off zloty) and pound. These princ iples are used both in the Czech Re domain and in the rest of Europe, and are therefore similar any differences are the result of the legal requirements of each country. As mentioned above, the Czech Commercial edict does not recognise anything like mend or a harvest-feast like cash pooling.It is needed to fulfil several conditions to prevent problems concerning taxation and reporting to nonage shareholders. It is practically im realistic to implement a cash pooling agreement between companies without a majority share. It is normal practice that a cash pooling system has to be hold by a general equalizeing of the company and there is a set requirement for signed control agreements. virtually times, it is necessary to change the company articles of incorporation. Reasons of Cash pooling reducing of financing costs on group level, -Improvement of investment-deposits by use economies of scale, -Simplification of liquidity- wariness on house servant level, -Reduction of expens es for monetary intermediaries through centralization, -Improvement of planning cash flows through coordination of monetary cycles, -Optimization of your financial consider by decreasing external financing and better use of internal financial potentials, -Break-Even at about EUR two hundred000 permanent liabilities on the accounts. Cash anxiety in the core east As in the rest of the world, cash management in the plaza eastside is benefiting from mechanization. How is this affecting different sizes of incorporate, and what does the succeeding(a) hold in this area? The core East region, which includes countries like UAE, Oman and Qatar, has kept railyard with the offshoot in such line of merchandise ambitions and cash management is to a fault not to be left out of this hightail it to riches, as barteres continually explore opportunities to determine more money, more profits and decrease costs.The excellent growth climate in countries like UAE, fuelled by ambitions and visions of the rulers and the business connection, has resulted in opportunities, growth of base of operations, access to international and new-sprung(prenominal)(prenominal)wisewise funds through generateing up and freehold real estates, business environments, the presence of more free zones, creating a healthy and open competition for the survival and growth of the fittest, etc Multi-national corporate midway East, e particularly the UAE, has recently seen an influx of many multi-national companies (MNCs) linguistic context up their regional offices, treasury offices, marketing offices, etc. n UAE and managing the global operations. To attract such MNCs into the region, financial and general free zones plus offshore financial centers pitch sprung up everyplace with the intentions of inviting the best of MNCs to come and allow their shops unresolved in these countries. The absence of tax regimes has added to the leader in these markets. These companies typically need 24 hour Internet access, sweeping and pooling of funds and balances across banks and branches, agonistic FX and deposit rank, competitive temporary long overdraft interest evaluate and credit interest on overnight floats.The ideal location of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in the global map, the growth of communication, infrastructure, Internet, etc. cast led to the explosive growth of such companies in the region Local corporate GCC is predominantly dominated by a number of crystallizeical anaesthetic anaesthetic corporate or companies or family owned businesses, which are typically owned by astronomic topical anesthetic/national families of businessmen. Most of these families tolerate very victoryful and historic track records and commit been associates/local incorporateatives/agents for most of multinational brands from all over the world.The local regulations for a friend from a national has been a great aid in ensuring that the multinationals tie u p with these local corporate for mutual success of business lines. eyepatch the MNC does the production, transport, marketing support, inspection and repair association, etc. , the Local merged typically takes the local marketing and sales realisation risk, like any MNC agency. This combination of MNCs and local corporate has worked very well historically in the GCC with the result that there is a successful association of MNC brands and families in the GCC.In many of these countries, the lack of restrictions such as taxes, financial regulations to publish books of accounts and audit, etc. fill made the operations of such corporate mostly family driven. Recently, and especially in the operate quartette to five years, GCC business families have go abouted expanding into early(a) countries in the region and in addition into countries in East and North Africa and new(prenominal) parts of the world, where investments in assets and business yields good and long-term returns for the business houses.In other words, the local corporate have been the confrontation of the MNCs coming and operating into the GCC, and typically such local corporate are easy growing and reaching the sizes of MNCs, albeit the growth into other competitive countries like Singapore, UK, other parts of Europe and the US have been very limited or generally non-existent. Mid-sized trading companies GCC has been historically characterized by a legions of mid-sized trading companies, thanks to the general stinting growth, healthy competition, absence of taxes and rules regime and a general absence of governmental red tape.Today, people of most GCC nationalities could come and start a business in any of the Free Zones in their own name, or if they choose to partner a national, they can start the business anywhere in these countries, with very limited with child(p) and resources. The laws and business conditions have been very conducive for the mushrooming growth of such mid-sized com panies, which have enlarged, in the general frugal upswing in the halfway East.While it is extremely difficult to list out the number of these companies, it is generally felt among banking community that the number of mid-sized corporate or companies (along with the teeny and medium enterprises (SMEs)) might currently be in the region of 15,000 numbers in UAE alone. This brings an exciting opportunity for smart entrepreneurs who thrive on such opportunities as likewise for smart bankers who have built a portfolio of such assets and relationships.On the cash management front, such small companies do not have many demands except that they require immediate and urgent funds clearance, remittances for payments, overnight float interest, good interest rates for deposits, etc. umteen of them are besides estimator or Internet labour and would be happy to use such online run to transact with their banks. Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs have been the sleeping giants in the GCC business world, but they have now woken up to be a mid-sized monster.While banks are repeatedly facing the ever-decreasing margins (be it in interest rates, commissions, charges or any form of income to the bank) in the MNC and large corporate segments, it is the SME that has come as the bequest for the dwindling revenues of banks. SMEs have been the ideal examples for the usual risk philosophy of higher(prenominal) the risk, higher the return. SME segment today leads the highest interest rates and margins in terms of lending sometimes as high as 600 to 800 basis points over LIBOR/DIBOR, not to mention the cadence of charges and commission.The risks of such SMEs have been mastered by many banks to provide an excellent handbasket of spread-out lending while guardianship an eye on high margins. These SMEs will be the lifeline of banks in the close six to 10 years, and I personally believe that among the corporate income of banks, SMEs will represent the largest amount of t his income. They could represent 70-80% in four to five years from now. This is an educated envisage on what may happen, establish on what is happening today. Economic overview in that respect has ever been a strong correlation between crude inunct color prices and the state of the eye Eastern economies.With inunct receipts be for 90% of government revenues in several Gulf countries and public projects dominating the markets, frugal growth is largely dependent on the local governments expansionary policies. In view of the oil industrys cyclical nature, governments have become wakeful in planning their annual budgets. An IMF think over revealed that the Middle East countries, which were the beneficiaries of windfall oil export revenues in 2000-01, are using these gains prudently so as to be well equipped to deal with any sudden fall in oil prices over next few years.In addition, the governments have recognised the importance of frugalal diversification, and are now encou raging economic activity in sectors other than oil. oftentimes of this effort has gone into developing manufacturing, trading, and tourism. conformation 1 Regional Macroeconomic information and Forecasts Financial Environment The Gulf countries expand some of the most liberal financial environments, with fully convertible currencies, stable exchange rates, minimal exchange controls, and nil-to-low tax regimes.The congener political stability and increased economic cooperation between regional countries are some of the positive developments that attract big players to feel at the Middle East as a viable investment alternative. Many of the Middle East countries that carefully saved themselves against the threat of foreign investors for so long are now inviting foreign capital to diversify their economies. Even the highly conservative states, such as Kuwait and Saudi-Arabian Arabia, are gradually extending investment and self-possession rights to foreign nationals.Free-trade zon es, which were pioneered by the UAE and are now a common feature of all Gulf countries, have been instrumental in providing sole ownership and control to foreign investors. Apart from simplified registration and licensing procedures, free-trade zones offer tax holidays and world-class infrastructure facilities thus, they are attracting new investors. Banking agreement The banking activities in the Middle East are largely home(prenominal). The financial sector is engaged in a whole range of activities, from traditional public sector-dominated banking to state-of-the-art project finance and investment banking. rough banks are starting to entertain ratings from international agencies to pave the way for a more regional role. The governments have also been attempting to streng consequently the banking sector by recapitalizing the house servant banks and ensuring that international capital requirements are met. There is a move towards encouraging littler banks to merge and to develop domestic capital markets. Overall, there are many on-going reforms designed to develop a audio recording banking system. The banking system in the Middle East is relatively flexible, and allows the opening and operation of a wide variety of accounts.However, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia do place some restrictions. Details of possible account structures are given in Figure 2 below. Clearing System All the countries in the Middle East, except for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have a manual of arms modify system. Saudi Arabia has a real-time settlement system called the Saudi riyal Interbank Express (SARIE). The SARIE is capable of interfacing with the electronic banking platforms of glade participants for the online settlement of relationss. In the UAE, the Central Bank has recently introduced a real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system to facilitate interbank payments.Some other regional countries are also considering introducing such systems. The settlement days for manual cleari ng depend on the local practices and the level of sophistication in each country. The average time to clear a local currency cheque ranges from one to three running(a) days in major cities. Outstation cheques take anywhere from between five and 10 working days for realization. Foreign currency cheques take between five and 15 working days to clear. The lack of automated clearing and settlement systems has hampered the automation of payment services, such as high-volume and low-value payments.Banks have worked around this by accepting payment instructions electronically, and then effecting payment through cheque printing or bank-to-bank transfers. Liquidity anxiety Products The availability of several account types is further increase by a liberal regulatory framework that supports the setting up of domestic and cross-border absorption and pooling structures. In Saudi Arabia, there are no explicit laws on various aspects of liquidity management set-ups. Egypt allows pooling and c ash concentration between resident and non-resident accounts, and also between two different legal entities.Bahrain and the UAE also permit pooling and cash concentration among different legal entities. However, it is advisable to try out legal opinion before establishing a liquidity management structure. Cash wariness Overview As the regional markets grow in sophistication, there is a corresponding need for corporate to improve their operational strength and cost competitiveness. Over the last year, several banks have introduced electronic banking services both Internet and non-Internet based to provide services ranging from simple account information to transaction automation.Despite the presence of the underlying framework, topically owned corporate have been wearisome to subscribe to electronic banking mainly due to fears of loss of control. Even multinational corporations (MNCs) have been unable to implement an efficient and unified cash management system due to low volum es and a lack a full array of cash management products and services with the banks. Figure 2 Cash Management for the Middle Eas Current reading by Corporate, and Trends in Cash Management The concept of cash management is spry catching on in the region.With an increase number of companies looking beyond their domestic frontiers to sustain growth, there is a need to optimize costs and manage risk. While MNCs have the concept filtered down from their group offices, large professionally-managed domestic companies with a well-diversified portfolio are increasingly looking at cash management as an important risk management hawkshaw. In the Middle East, companies are looking at online banking information and the automation of transaction processing by the use of an integrated banking platform, preferably interfaced with their back office system.This trend is growing as companies adopt enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Cash management requirements among corporate vary dependin g on the size and nature of operations. MNCs and large corporate look for more comprehensive cash management tools involving non-resident accounts, interest-bearing deposit accounts, cross-border cash concentration, and notional pooling. Also, those corporate with all the way delimitate collection and payment processes perceive accounts collectible as a non-core business activity and look to outsource these services to banks.Meanwhile, the long middle-market corporate, which are not really pitch towards full automation, are limited to step-by-step use of electronic banking services. Banks offer varied cash management services and product ranges. In general, the international banks, which have a better regional network and offer more sophisticated electronic banking platforms and domestic and cross-border liquidity mechanisms compared to domestic banks, are clearly the leaders in cash management business. Domestic banks score better on in-country branch networks What Does the F uture Hold For Cash Management in the Middle East? Direct accounts Wherein based on a standing debit authority, utility and other bills will be directly raised by utility companies to banks who will debit the customer account and pay. Bulk upload of salaries to debit cards and withdrawals through ATMs specially located in customer premises. carry out debtor/invoice payments follow up on behalf of customers to ensure that invoices are salt away in time. Complete and automatic intimacy up of all payments for purchases/supplies, wherein banks will automatically pay for the purchases made by customers, based on invoice details uploaded automatically. Secured payment gateways between the top 100 to 200 companies in the world, wherein a global clearing player (could be a top class global bank) will act as a central clearing bank for such companies and any funds or payments for them will be routed through the clearing bank glo musket bally. Conclusion The economic stability and the wo rld class infrastructure offered by the Middle East makes it an cute destination for setting up of shared out service centers (SSCs). Locations such as Bahrain and Dubai have already emerged as preferred centers for setting up of regional hubs covering the Middle East and some African countries.Banks in the region are waking up to the tremendous potential of e-banking, and are invest heavily in technology. The next few years present exciting times for the business and service providers, as the new and existing players gear up to meet the challenges being offered by the New preservation On corporate cash management in the GCC, V. P. Nagarajan, executive director at Emirates Trading Agency Ascon Group says Corporate cash management is an important tool of corporate finance today and, as days pass by, cash management will be the centre point around which the functions of finance will revolve.If we have a financial crystal ball and look into the future, we can visualize a corporate cash manager beguile his financial resources across the world in a computer the size of his palm. At the press of a button, he will be traveling over the notional financial super highway (which should take about a few seconds to reach the other parts of the globe and the universe) for a virtual reality decision across.Some of the easier decisions in those days will be there will no physical currencies (saves a lot of printing and paper expenses), no multiple branches of banks (all of them will be operating from internet or computer driven global centers), and still there will be the cash management sales bankers who will come and try to sell what they do not have. hopefully corporate cash management will see a world of change as we move forward. References 1-http//www. gtnews. com/article/6920. fm Cash Management in the Middle East Rajeev Babel, HSBC Global Payments and Cash Management 2-http//www. gtnews. com/article/4172. cfmCash Management The Middle East PerspectiveVenkatesa n Thiagarajan, Barclays 3- Essentials of treasury management second sport (association for financial professional) . 4- De Gidlow, R. , Donovan, S. (2005), Cash Management Techniques. In The Treasurers Handbook 2005, Act, capital of the United Kingdom 5- Heezius, D. , Polak, P. (2006), Country Guide The Czech Republic. In The Treasurers Handbook 2006, Act, London.